
“Giving to meet the needs of our parish is important, and the One Heart, One Soul Campaign is a valuable opportunity to address Sacred Heart’s while aiding important diocesan ministries. Even more important is our own need to give as a part of our faith journey. May we be blessed by the grace of God all along that journey.” FR. RAFAL DYGULA, Pastor of Sacred Heart
For 90 years, Sacred Heart Parish has played a significant role in the Guelph community and in the lives of its parishioners. Our pride in what our Catholic ancestors built and left us inspires us to leave for the next generation a parish community for which they can feel equally blessed.
Today, this inspiration moves us to continue to build upon our faith foundation, to help bring others to Christ. That journey includes uniting to maintain and improve our spiritual home, even as we face the challenges of COVID-19.
What is One Heart One Soul Campaign?
One Heart One Soul Campaign is first and foremost about the renewal and transformation of parishes in the Diocese of Hamilton. That’s why 75 to 85 percent of the funds raised will go toward our Parish projects. The remaining 25 -20% will go the shared ministries (Campus Ministry, Hospital Ministry, Prison Ministry and Migrant Workers Ministry)
What does this mean for Sacred Heart Parish?​
Special features of the campaign will enable us to maximize the positive effects of our fundraising at the parish level:
First, we keep 75 percent of what we raise up to our minimum target, which is $225,000.
If we raise $225,000, we will receive a $45,000 matching amount from the campaign! That means we could receive from the campaign nearly as much as we raise.
We will keep 85 percent of anything we raise beyond $225,000.
There are virtually no costs to the parish for the campaign. The diocese is picking up those costs. All the money raised will be used for campaign projects.​
Parish Campaign Projects:
​ACCESSIBILITY TO CHURCH BUILDING ($150,000): For many years, Sacred Heart has worked on plans to improve access to the church, a need that has steadily increased. At last, the project – informally known as “The Harpolater” – appears ready to become reality! With campaign funds, a mobility lift would be constructed to offer access into the church from the parking lot on the west side. Other upgrades would be involved as well:
An accessible washroom would be added at the back of church on the west side.
The narthex would undergo remodeling.
A new staircase to the balcony would be created on the east side, where there would also be a confessional.
OUTREACH FUND FOR FAMILIES IN NEED ($10,000): As the challenges from COVID-19 persist, it’s important that the parish has a way to help our families. This fund would have a special emphasis on families in need, those facing emergencies and those with children in Sacred Heart School.
ROOF REPLACEMENT (PARISH ‘FUTURE FUND’) ($66,500): The parish’s need to be able to manage long-term or unexpected expenses has never been more clear. For example, the aging church roof has had problems for years. It has been repaired numerous times – particularly the flat roof over the sacristy – and will soon need more permanent work done. Whether we’re anticipating a major, one-time expense such as this or feeling the effects of a downturn in offertory, this fund is a necessary tool as we juggle priorities and the uncertainty of a COVID-19 world. ​
Frequently Asked Questions
Where will donors send their gifts, and where will the money be kept?
Donors’ gifts and pledges will be held in trust for the parish and initially kept in a dedicated diocesan account. The Diocese will disburse the parishes’ funds to them after the payments have been received and the parish is ready to undertake their projects. The campaign’s Clergy Committee has worked with the Diocese to outline when the funds will be distributed to the parishes.
Why can’t I just support my parish directly?
Frankly, we hope you continue to support your parish directly through your regular Sunday giving. This campaign is not intended to divert funds that go toward normal operating needs. The campaign is a special effort to meet needs that go beyond the routine and that can help to set up parishes (and the Diocese) to thrive for years to come. In short, supporting this campaign is supporting your parish directly – as well as other parishes in need and various diocesan ministries.
What kind of financial transparency can we expect during the campaign and beyond?
Transparency is a top priority for the Diocese. Summaries of diocesan financial reports from 2012 through 2018 are on the diocesan website, and copies of the full reports are available from the Diocese’s financial office. Regular updates of campaign goals, projects and fundraising will be communicated during the campaign through a number of avenues – the website, emails, social media, to name a few.
How can I make a gift or pledge to the campaign?
There will be a number of ways to make a gift or make payments on your pledge to the campaign, including:
· Setting up a pre-authorized gift (automatic withdrawal) from a chequing account
· Setting up a recurring credit card payment
· Paying by cash or cheque through the mail
· Making a stock or securities transfer
Is there a campaign website?
Yes – oneheartonesoul.ca. It has many more Frequently Asked Questions, information about the parishes that have already conducted the campaign, a campaign video and much more. Give it a look!
What is the timeline for the campaign at Sacred Heart Parish?
The campaign is divided into four “waves” of parishes, and Sacred Heart Parish is part of the final wave. The parish is in the preparation phase of the campaign, and a leadership team is hard at work. The campaign conitunes to be open to all parishioners who have yet to make a donation.
How can I help with the Sacred Heart Parish campaign?
There are a number of ways parishioners can help with this important effort. Please consider volunteering! The leadership team includes the members below. Contact any if you can help or have questions:
Mike Veroni:
Michael Hoffbauer:
Ed Mcanany:
Vince Longo:
Armando Carere: